JOURNAL OF GREAT WATERS ASSOCIATION OF VEXILLOLOGY December 2004 Vol. IX, No. 2, Issue 18 GWAV HOSTS NAVA 38 IN INDIANAPOLIS picture is missing not saved as a picture Summery weather greeted attendees to the North American Vexillological Association’s 38th annual meeting, held this year October 8-10 in Indianapolis, capital of the State of Indiana. The very successful meeting was ably organized by GWAV President Truman Pope, who hails from the northeastern Indiana city of Muncie.Proceedings got underway on Friday, October 8, with an evening reception where members greeted each other and enjoyed the generous selection of appetizers. The meeting was formally inaugurated on the following morning with a flag-raising ceremony and the playing of the national anthems of Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Members then adjourned to the conference room and spent the day listening to the interesting lectures and visiting the varied exhibits. The day closed with the annual banquet, after which the diners enjoyed a talk by Donna Schmink of the Indiana War Museum on the preservation of Indiana’s battle flag collection. NAVA President David Martucci then presented the Driver Award to Devereaux Cannon, whose paper,"The Genesis of the Stars and Bars," was judged best of the conference. On Sunday, October 10, following breakfast, the annual business meeting was held, at which several bylaws amendments were passed. New officers elected for 2004-2005 were Peter Ansoff, President; Devereaux Cannon, First Vice President; and Kevin Murray, Second Vice President. Continuing in office are Secretary Rich Monahan, and Treasurer Ted Kaye. After the lunch period, members assembled with flags for a parade to the War Museum, where Donna Schmink displayed a number of the flags she had talked about the evening before. Upon returning to the conference hotel, closing ceremonies took place, in which the new president received some symbols of office from the outgoing president, David Martucci, who himself received the past president’s flag from his predecessor, Kin Spain. (JP)
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