Chesapeake Bay and Great Waters
Hold Second Joint Meeting
After the success of their first joint meeting in May, 2008, the Great Waters
Association of Vexillology and the Chesapeake Bay Flag Association met for their
second joint meeting November 13-14, 2010, at historic West Virginia
Independence Hall in Wheeling. During the Civil War, the building was home of
the Restored Government of Virginia and the Wheeling Convention which led to the
creation of the State of West Virginia. The structure was erected in 1860 as
the US Customs and Courthouse and the meeting venue was the courtroom where the
Virginia Ordinance of Secession was rescinded and the new Constitution of West
Virginia was drafted in 1863.
After a tour
of the restored facility by curator Travis Henline, Bill Belanich, designer of
the NAVA 44 flag who was unable to attend the meeting in Los Angeles, was
presented with a 3x5 foot version of the flag. CBFA member Peter Ansoff gave a
presentation entitled No Primary Reference: The Flag of the Sons of Liberty.
He was followed by fellow CBFA members Dale Grimes, Jr. who spoke on World
War II Navy Flags Made on Mare Island and Christopher Maddish who presented
Vexillological Coincidences of the Northern Blue Seal States. In the
evening, the attendees had dinner at the Metropolitan Citi Grill.
On Sunday, the venue moved to the McLure Hotel
and after a continental breakfast, GWAV member Bill Belanich addressed The
New Zealand Flag Controversy, David Breitenbach gave an overview of Michigan
City Flags, and John Purcell talked about Colors and Controversy: The Flags
of Our 50 States (How Our States Got Flags and Why It Took So Long). Kudos
go to meeting organizer John Purcell, and Peter Ansoff, who provided and
operated the audio-visual equipment for both sessions

Our first joint meeting between
GWAV and The Chesapeake Bay Flag Association.
Saturday and Sunday May 3-4, 2008
Pittsburgh, PA

October 8 - 10, 2004

John Purcell with the GWAV flag in Stockholm, Sweden at FIAV


Attendees at GWAV's 10th anniversary
May 2001
Muncie, Indiana

DATELINE: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada,
August 2, 1999
The Great Waters
Association of Vexillology was accepted as a member of the
International Federation of Vexillological Associations, known by its French acronym,
President Peter Kinderman presented GWAV's application, and spoke on its behalf
to the assembly. With the announcement of the vote in favor of our membership,
Peter unfurled the GWAV flag as a symbol of our new status.
Presentation of GWAV flag after acceptance into FIAV.