1, 2003, marked the 200th anniversary of Ohio's statehood, with
parades and celebrations held in Chillicothe, a city due south of Columbus, and
the state's first capital. A special feature of the celebration was the display
of a seventeen-star flag known as the “Ohio Transitional Flag” that was on
view as part of the Sons of the American Revolution Historic Hubb Scott display
of state and historic flags at the Trinity United Methodist Church. The flag was
discovered some years ago in the attic of the McDowell House in Ashville, Ohio,
by the house's current owner, Brian Meyers, while he was inspecting the attic
for repairs. The flag was lying in a roof joist, but Meyers, without counting
the number of stars, assumed it was and old “Betsy Ross”-type flag with 13
stars in a circle in the canton and an extra, larger star, in the circle's
center, which he thought was unusual. Still, regarding the flag as an old
curiosity, he simply stored it away in his garage for a time until one day in
June, 2001, when he showed it to a local Ohio history buff, Tom Zwayer, who
recognized immediately that the flag was historically important, and pointed out
that the flag had 16 six-pointed stars in a circle, not 13, so that the extra
star in the center made 17. He also noted that the flag appeared to be hand-sewn
with some threads of linen, leading him to believe the flag was more than 100
years old. The flag, though soiled, was generally in good condition, so Zwayer
built a plexiglas frame for the flag so it could be viewed without touching it.
Zwayer then contacted Cliff Eckle of the Ohio Historical Society, who suggested
that the flag be professionally examined by Textile Preservation Associates
Inc., in Keedysville, Maryland, at a cost about $1000. The Ashville Area
Historical Society, agreed to pay for the analysis with the agreement that the
flag would be donated to it. The results of the analysis showed that the flag was
created between 1795 and 1815 as a “transitional” flag, i.e., a U.S. flag,
but never officially flown at the federal level. Of course, it is unlikely that
the flag would have been made much before 1803, when Ohio would have merited a
seventeenth star.1 The analysis also showed that the flag had been
repaired three times. The original flag measured 29" x 48". Its nearly
square canton and the six-pointed stars were a common feature on flags of the
period.@ (JP) 1The flag law
of 1795 provided for a star and stripe to be added each time a new state was
admitted to the Union. With the addition of a star and stripe for Vermont and
Kentucky, it became obvious that soon the flag would become unwieldy in
appearance as the nation grew, so from 1795 until 1818 it was unchanged at 15
stars and stripes. Thus, until it was decided in 1818 to add a star for each new
state, but revert to the 13 original stripes, Tennessee, Ohio, Louisiana,
Indiana, and Mississippi had no symbolic place on the national flag, even though
theoretically it would have been legal to create new flags as they entered
statehood. The seventeen-star flag is no doubt an Ohioan's attempt to make such
a flag, but the fact that the designer uses only 13 stripes suggests that the
flag may have been made closer to 1818 than 1803.
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